The Mono County Free Library and the High Sierra Energy Foundation (HSEF) received federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding from the California State Library to collaborate on educating and inspiring community members on sustainability in Mono County, through the Mono County Earth Month Series planned for April 2023. The series will consist of two sustainability fairs, a panel discussion on civic activism, and three environmental expert speakers. Admission is free and open to all ages. The series will be distributed throughout Mono County in Mammoth Lakes, June Lake, Lee Vining, and Walker, and will be accessible online to expand reach throughout our rural hard to reach communities of the eastern Sierra as well as for visitors/family/friends who may not be able to visit due to our unusually challenging winter spring season.
These family-friendly fairs will feature activities focused on gear repair, recycling, art upcycling, vermiculture and composting, fire safety, energy efficiency and induction cooking.
April 3rd (Monday) at the June Lake Community Center from 4:00 – 6:00 PM
April 28 (Friday) at the Walker Community Center from 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Night of Activism
Matt McClain, a seasoned non-profit executive and environmental advocate, will lead a panel of local advocates who will share their tactics, results, and passion for civic engagement. Will include Jolie Varela of Indigenous Women Hike and others.
April 6th at TOML Offices Suite Z (above Vons) in Mammoth Lakes from 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Flexing Our Citizen Muscles: Sustainability, Systems and Civic Activism
Michael O'Heaney, Executive Director at The Story of Stuff Project, will lead a conversation about our consumption-crazed culture: how we have too much stuff, too much of it is toxic, and we don’t share it very well. Their award-winning films have garnered more than 50 million online views and inspired civic engagement across their global network of members, with over one million people supporting hundreds of different environmental campaigns.
April 13th at TOML Offices Suite Z (above Vons) in Mammoth Lakes from 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Science to Solutions: Solving for Single Use Plastics and Microfibers in Our Environment
Lisa Erdle, PhD, Director of Science & Innovation at 5 Gyres, a microplastics researcher who researches the sources, fate, and effects of microfibers in the environment, will discuss the global movement against plastic pollution and share information and tools to help drive local change to fight this global crisis.
April 20th at Lee Vining Community Center from 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Journey to Low-Waste Living
Anne-Marie Bonneau, author of the award-winning cookbook The Zero-Waste Chef: Plant-Forward Recipes and Tips for a Sustainable Kitchen and Planet, will share tactics on living with as little plastic, food waste, and stuff as possible. She embraces “zero-waste” as an intention, not a hard-and-fast rule, and believes it’s more impactful for a lot of people to work towards reducing their waste through simple changes and increased awareness, rather than a few people to achieve zero waste perfection.
April 27th at Mammoth Lakes Branch Library from 5:00 – 6:30 PM
“As community centers of lifelong learning, providing information and activities about the importance of sustainability is a growing role of libraries nationwide. This funding opportunity, and our partnership with the HSEF, is an exciting opportunity for us to support illuminating the importance of sustainable practices for our communities across the County.”
- Christopher Platt, Mono County’s Library Director
“The HSEF is excited to work with the Mono County libraries to reach and engage our community members on issues that affect our environment. The panelists and speakers will provide an opportunity to learn from experts in their fields on global and local issues, while offering pragmatic suggestions on how community members can, individually and collectively, make a positive impact on our environment.”
- Pam Close Bold, Executive Director of the HSEF
For more information see:
**Please note change of venue in Mammoth Lakes due to Emergency Response Activities. The speaker series at Edison Theater has been moved to TOML Offices Suite Z at 437 Old Mammoth Road (above Vons).
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About Mammoth Lakes Recreation
Formed in 2014, Mammoth Lakes Recreation’s mission is to deliver cutting edge sustainable recreation, mobility, and arts & culture opportunities and infrastructure for the benefit of the community and natural environment of Mammoth Lakes. For more information, go to